Almathera Ten Pack 2: CDPD 1
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* *
* Ami-Check 2.0 - AC2.0 *
* *
* 'The User Friendly Amiga CheckBook' *
* *
* written by: Jeff Hoag *
* *
* Copyright - 1991 Jeff Hoag All Rights Reserved World Wide *
* *
* *
* *
* *
Ami-Check 2.0 is Shareware. You may upload this software to
any bulletin board or electronic service provided:
1. That service does not claim copyright on uploaded software or
does not charge above it's normal access rates for download of this
2. No organization may charge more than handling and media costs for
this software with out the express written permission of the author.
Drop me a line - I'm pretty easy.
3. All files included in this archive remain intact inside the
archive, including this licensing notification.
AC2.0 is Shareware. This means that you may try the software first and
see if you like it or use it frequently. If you do, shareware asks you
to send $25.00 (Twenty Five dollars) as a registration/usage fee to:
Jeff Hoag
615 10th Ave So.
Safety Harbor, FL 34695
Doing so will give you a warm feeling inside, knowing you have
helped support an Amiga developer who wants to develop quality
software for your use. Also I plan on releasing more titles in
the future as shareware and as a registered owner you will be
entitled to several things:
1. 50 % (fifty percent) off Ami-Check Plus, a much expanded
Amiga financial system, utilizing accounts, credit card tracking
and many many more features, including a couple I guarantee you
won't find in ANY Amiga checkbook program currently available.
Ami-Check Plus is going to be a COMMERCIAL release program, currently
we are thinking of a 79.95 release price. All Ami-Check 2.0 registered
users would thus be offered Ami-Check Plus for 39.95, with NO time
limits on how long to take advantage of the offer.
2. Notification of upgrade availability or new title releases as
they occur. Depending on response, I have several additional
features on the burner for Ami-Check 2.0. Registered users will get
one free update mailed to them if and when it is available.
Registered users will also be entitled to further updates for the
minimal cost of a disk and postage. If and when updates are available
registered users will be notified via the postal system.
(Updates DO NOT cover Ami-Check Plus).
3. Technical support. If you are having a problem with the
program, enclose a description of the problem with your registration
and I will respond, either by telephone or a letter. If you are
a member of PeopleLink or Genie, give me your ID and I will leave
mail for you. I feel Ami-Check 2.0 is the easiest, most intuitive
checkbook program for the Amiga (I tried hard to make it so)
but difficulties may arise, I will help registered users only.
I can also be reached on PLink as JHoag.
4. These docs are available to registered owners of AC2.0 in a printed
format for $20.00 (twenty dollars) extra. This barely covers the cost of
printing and binding them, not to mention postage but I have found it's
much nicer to have them in printed form. The easiest way to get them is
to enclose the additional amount with your registration payment and add
a note saying you want them. They'll be in the mail the same day!
Why Ami-Check 2.0:
A long time ago (6-7 years) I had a Commodore 128, upgrading from the
C64. I used a program on the 128 called CheckBook 128, written by
Mike Taylor, a friend of mine. I liked this program a lot and when I
upgraded to the Amiga in the fall of 1985 I looked forward to an even
better interface and design for a checkbook on the Amiga, utilizing the
Amiga's superior graphics, multitasking, GUI, mouse, memory and all the
other features that made the Amiga the best computer available. This
did not happen. What we got instead was home financial programs that
would do our checkbooks like an IBM or a clone. No intuitive interface,
no options on whether to set up accounts for checks or NOT, heck I might
as well of bought a pc to do my checkbook, the programs coming out for
the Amiga weren't even as intuitive as some available on the pc. This
situation got more depressing to me after spending big bucks for these
other programs and not getting what I wanted. There were promised
updates, upgrades coming etc. that promised more of what I was looking
for but noooooo, they never got away from the pc feel, and in my opinion
they still to this day have not.
In the meantime I had been slowly, in my spare time teaching myself
C and the Amiga OS, with the help of my good friend Timm Martin (SID).
My first real project, the Amiga PhoneBook was ok, it did what I wanted
but wasn't the prettiest Amiga program available (I plan on redoing it
soon), but I did learn a lot. Ami-Check 2.0 is my second major project
and I feel it is immensely better in design and interface considerations.
I made many efforts to modularize the code and to have no duplication of
code. While I may not have succeeded totally in this, I have gotten pretty
darn close. Now the big question - Why did I choose to write the program
for Amiga Dos 2.0 only?
The reasons for this are twofold, I attended the C= developers
conference in Atlanta last summer (90) and became really excited by
the new OS. Commodore has given us a truly professional operating
system and environment and I wanted to both learn to program inside
the new OS plus I wanted to write a piece of low cost shareware that
would be good enough for people to want to use it and add another
timber to the support for WorkBench 2.0. As loyal Amiga owners and
users it is my belief we owe Commodore our support of this new OS,
not to mention it is just soooooo much better than 1.2 or 1.3. By
using and showing our Amiga's with 2.0 running we give a professional
computer a professional look. There are many many new features inside
2.0 and where possible and practical I have attempted to use these
new features. I think the effect is quite nice, I hope you agree.
Anyway that's the 'why' of the Ami-Check 2.0.
Jeff Hoag
Program Overview:
Ami-Check 2.0 (ACB2.0) is an easy to use, intuitive, friendly
checkbook program for the Commodore Amiga personal computer. It runs
under Workbench 2.0 of the Amiga Operating System ONLY, adjusting
itself for all Workbench 2.0 display modes. AC2.0 allows you to enter
your checks in a very natural style, giving you a running balance as
you do so. The program also allows you to clear & reconcile your
checkbook, start new registers with outstanding checks only, print
all, cleared, outstanding or selected entries from your checkbook to
your printer, or a disk file, as a standard ascii file suitable for
use in all word processing or desk top publishing programs. AC2.0
has a unique feature, called Flow-Tracker which summarizes your check
register for you by totals so you can see where your money is going,
without setting up accounts. AC2.0 has multiple user definable options
such as total font configurability, auto dating, auto check numbering
and auto clearing balance to name a few. There is also a calculator
with memory functions built in that transfer to the AC2.0 register.
The program will run from the Workbench or from the CLI, detaching
itself from the calling shell. Extensive documentation and quick
reference is also included. In all, Ami-Check 2.0 simplifies the day to
day maintenance of a checking account in a friendly, easy to use, and
intuitive way.
**** Starting AC2.0 from the Workbench:
Copy AC2.0 to the appropriate window or directory you wish to run
it from. Open the window and double click your left button while the
pointer is over the AC2.0 icon. That's it, the program will load and
run from there.
**** Starting AC2.0 from the CLI/Shell:
Copy AC2.0 to the appropriate window or directory you wish to run
it from. Change directories to that directory and issue the command
'AC2.0'. That's it, the program will load and run from that point
forward. It is certainly NOT necessary to actually change directories
to run the program, you will however have to provide a path to the
CLI, telling the Amiga where AC2.0 is located. Example:
df1:utils/AC2.0 would run AC2.0 from the df1: drive in the utils
Startup Recommendation:
I recommend putting AC2.0 in your C: directory or some other directory
that is in your system path. This allows you to run AC2.0 from any
place in the system from a CLI/Shell simply by typing AC2.0 and
pressing return.
**** The Main AC2.0 Window:
This is the check register. When the program starts up a blank register
is shown, with the first entry field for check number active. You may
immediately begin adding new checks, or use one of the menu options to,
for example, load in a previously used register. You will also see
several buttons and gadgets in the window, including Enter, Delete and
Sort a scroller bar and scroller arrows and finally the standard system
gadget such as the Zoom gadget, Window Close gadget, the Window Sizing
gadget and the Window Depth gadget. All of these gadgets are hooked
up and their use will be covered below.
**** Entering Transactions:
Entering deposits and checks is as simple as entering the appropriate
number or description in the appropriately labeled field. For example
if the Check # field is the highlighted field enter the check number
you want, deposits do not need a check number, and press return. The
active field will change to the next field, the Date Field. If you
wish to use today's date or simply hit return in the blank field and a
date will be filled in for you. If you have already entered checks, the
date of the previous check or deposit will automatically be entered
for you unless you have selected the Auto-Date feature from the
preferences menu. AC2.0 will support a wide range of different date
entry formats, converting them to it's own dd/mm/yy format. This allows
you to be very brief with your date entering (as brief as hitting the
return key) or make continuous date changes. Pressing return in the
date field will move you to the next active field, the Description
The Description field is very easy. Simply enter the transaction
description from your checkbook into this field. A note, pressing
return on an empty Description field will enter the word 'Deposit'
into that field and move you to the credit field. You may get more
complex with your deposit descriptions though by entering the word
deposit as the first word in the field followed by any other supporting
detail text you wish. AC2.0 will look at the first 7 (seven) characters
of the description field and attempt to match them with one of the
following three variations of the word deposit. They are:
Any one of these three in the first word position of the description
field will cause AC2.0 to see that line as a deposit and move you
to the credit amount entry field. This allows you to enter deposit
descriptions such as:
Deposit Paycheck or....
DEPOSIT Cash or....
deposit check from friend.
I think you will find adequate space for most transaction descriptions
you use in your checkbook, as long as you do not get carried away.
Anything other than one of the three deposit variations as the first
word in the description field will move you to the Debit amt entry field.
Pressing return in a blank description field will automatically put in
the word Deposit, and move you to the credit amount field.
The Debit/Credit Amt Fields are just as you would imagine, the place
where you enter the amount of the transaction. As explained above,
AC2.0 will determine which field is the appropriate one based on
your entry in the description field for that transaction. Dollar
signs are not used in AC2.0 and if you enter them they will not
effect the amount entered but they will be removed by the program. The
reason for this is because the standard Amiga displays, even in HighRes
are 80 columns across. AC2.0 uses all 80 of these columns and to give
the widest description field possible I opted to not use the dollar
sign for amount fields. The '-' minus or negative sign is recognized
however and used and kept. This will become most apparent if you
overdraw your checking account.
After you have entered the amount in the appropriate field, press
the return key and AC2.0 will automatically calculate your
balance, display that balance and take you to the next line ready
to enter your next transition.
Note: A benefit of 2.0 - The TAB key and the SHIFT-TAB key are active
while you are in transaction entering mode. Pressing TAB will move
you forward one field and SHIFT-TAB will move you back one field. This
is very useful when in Edit Mode which will be discussed below.
Note: Another benefit of 2.0 - If you are in a debit or credit amount
entry field and if you have stored a number using the Calculators STO
command, pressing Right-Amiga-I will put the stored number in the credit
or debit field for you. This can be very handy if, for example, you are
adding together many checks for a deposit using the calculator. When you
are finished just STO them in the calculator and then close it down. Once
you are back at the AC2.0 register simply enter your deposit info and
when you get to the amount field press R-Amiga-I and the number will
appear in the field. You will then be able to edit the number or by
pressing return enter the number into your register.
That's the basics of the transaction entry system for AC2.0. I hope
you will agree that it's friendly and easy to understand, I spent
many many long hours making it so.
**** Extra Entry Features - Utilizing the Mouse:
When you are in transaction entry mode, clicking your left mouse button
while the mouse pointer is over a previously entered transaction will
select (highlight) that transaction. You may have multiple transactions
selected at any time simply by clicking your left button on them once.
These selected entries can then be used by the Delete Selected and the
Print options for example. Waiting a moment past your Workbench 2.0
Preferences Double-Click time and then clicking your mouse on a selected
entry will de-select that particular entry. If you Double-Click your
left button over one transaction entry, AC2.0 will assume you wish to
edit that entry and will activate that transaction's check number field.
Return or the TAB keys will move you around the field.
AN IMPORTANT NOTE: When you enter or edit a transaction entry, AC2.0
does not process that entry until you press the RETURN key on either the
Debit or the Credit amt field. This means that if you Double-Click an
entry to edit the entry, YOU MUST press return to 'step-through' the rest
of the transaction so AC2.0 will know you wish that entry re-processed.
If you do not do this you will lose your changes.
**** AC2.0 Font Discussion
AC2.0 is totally font adjustable, with one practical limitation
a program such as AC2.0 must have. This limitation is based on the
horizontal character width of the transaction register and the standard
Amiga display modes. AC2.0 requires 80 columns across the screen to
properly lay out and display the register. Normally this is not a problem
but WB 2.0 provides some interesting challenges as it will allow you to
customize your workbench with large or small fonts. Small fonts are not
really a problem and AC2.0 will accommodate them but a large font, greater
than 8 pixels wide will throw the 80 column character spacing off. As
AC2.0 operates on the Workbench screen and it is possible to have a very
wide font on a 640x200 or 640x400 WB screen I had to enforce an 8 pixel
wide character font limit. This is a horizontal limit, there is no limit
on vertical height and in fact I have included in this archive a 13 pixel
high, 8 pixel wide font, Sol20. To the best of my knowledge Sol20 is a
public domain font, I have asked on BBS's and the national networks and
no one has stated differently. If it is not a pd font I apologize to its
owners and if you let me know I will remove it from AC2.0's archive.
Assuming Sol20 is a pd font, it is a very nice font for use with a
640x400 interlaced Workbench screen and it looks very nice with AC2.0.
Give it a try, I think you will like it. One final note, again because
of the columns and alignment considerations inherent in a program such
as AC2.0, I had to rule out the use of proportional spacing fonts. I had
this capability in for a while and discovered, more often than not, that
a proportional font threw off the spacing and alignment of the register.
I had some correcting mechanisms built in for a while but the overhead
involved did not, in my humble opinion, justify the benefit received so
I removed them and limited AC2.0 to only non-proportional fonts. I don't
feel this is a major limitation for a checkbook and I hope you won't
either. The bottom line to this is, when you use the Customize font option
listed below, the Font Requestor has been set up to show only
non-proportional fonts. WB 2.0's system default font is also set up this
way, thus proportional fonts are not accessible inside AC2.0.
**** The Menus:
AC2.0's menuing system is straight forward and most of the entries
are self explanatory while the program is running. I will cover each
now. There are 5 (five) main menu headers, these are:
1. Project -for load, save, clear etc.
2. Edit -for entering, deleting, sorting etc.
3. Special -for reconcile, calculator etc.
4. Report -for print function and display etc.
5. Preferences -for configuring AC2.0 the way you want it.
These headers and their associated menu items and sub-items will be
discussed below. If the menu item or sub-item has an associated
Right-Amiga Hot key it will be listed as well. To access any menu item
in this matter simply hold down the Right Amiga Key and at the same time
press the alpha-numeric key listed. These keys will not function when an
entry field is active. You must deactivate the entry field by clicking
your mouse outside the entry window or by selecting the first menu item
with the mouse.
Another note about WB 2.0 conventions. The '...' convention. Commodore
has asked that all projects developed using menu's or gadgets that
open another window or present a requestor asking 'Are You Sure?' be
followed by the '...' (three dots). What this does is tell you that this
option is not a fatal type option, you will be given at least one more
chance if you are about to do something that changes your data, or if
another window will be opened. The purpose of this is to provide a sense
of security to a user that the option about to be selected is not an
irrevocable one. I agree with this philosophy and have instituted it
throughout AC2.0.
**** Project:
The Project header inside AC2.0 has the following menu items.
Clear - Right-Amiga + L
Overview: Clears current register.
The Clear menu item will clear the current register and present you
with a clean check register. It has the effect of wiping the slate
clean. If you have made any changes to the register AC2.0 will
present you with a system requestor first asking you if you wish
to 'Clear the Register?' This reminds you that you have done
something to the register that has changed it and that you have not
yet saved those changes. Clicking your left button on the Change
button of the requestor will tell AC2.0 to go ahead and clear the
register anyway, clicking your left button on the Cancel button
of the requestor will abort the operation.
ClearCarry - Right-Amiga + Y
Overview: Clears current register, creates new register based on
cleared balance and non-cleared checks.
The Clear Carry menu item functions the same as the Clear menu item
explained above but with additions. These additions are:
Before the register is cleared AC2.0 will go through the register
and calculate your cleared check balance (the blue lines). The
program will then go through the register and temporarily store all
outstanding check entries. AC2.0 will then clear the register.
After the register is cleared, a new first entry will be created
from the cleared check balance calculated above. It will have the
current month and day date but the year will be set to zero (00)
for sorting purposes. AC2.0 will then create entries in the new
register for the stored outstanding checks, will enter those checks
into the register and calculate the new balance for you. This is
one of the nicest features of AC2.0 and is very useful for keeping
shorter monthly or quarterly registers rather than having a large
register full of cleared and reconciled checks.
Open - Right-Amiga + O
Overview: Brings up file requestor to open previously saved register.
The Open menu option will allow you to open a previously saved
AC2.0 check register. This option will present you with the new
WB 2.0 ASL File Requestor, and as a default put you in the s:
directory. I admit the choice of the s: directory is arbitrary
but you can change it using the functions of the requestor and
AC2.0 will remember the change throughout the current session.
This is probably as good a time as any to say that I am considering
an upgrade option to allow saving of full AC2.0 configuration
options but this is not currently supported as the options are
all very easy to change at startup. Select your saved register
in the file requestor and click on the load gadget to load that
register into AC2.0. See Below for a more detailed look at the
2.0 ASL File Requestor. A final note, AC2.0 will not load a
non-AC2.0 file. It will open the file, determine that it is not
an AC2.0 file and close the file, informing you of this.
Save - Right-Amiga + W
Overview: Saves current register. No file requestor presented.
The Save menu option saves your current AC2.0 register. This option
will NOT present you with a file requestor (see Save As) rather it
will immediately attempt to save the file using the last defined
file name and file path. If a previously defined name is not found,
the save operation will terminate and inform you that no name is
found. If a previously defined file name is found but no path is
found, AC2.0 will save the register to the current active directory.
Save As
Overview: Saves current register, presents file requestor.
The Save As menu option also saves your current AC2.0 register but
before doing so this option will present you with the new WB 2.0
ASL file requestor. (See below for a more detailed look at the ASL
file requestor). You may either select a file name from the requestor
or enter one in the File line of the requestor. Clicking your left
mouse button on the Save button inside the requestor will save the
register. A further note: The Save As file requestor will list the
files in reverse colors, the background of the display will be black
(using standard 2.0 colors) and the file names will be gray. This
differentiates the Save from the Load options.
Quit - Right-Amiga + Q
Overview: Quits Ami-Check.
The Quit menu option will quit out of AC2.0. If you have an unsaved
register currently open, AC2.0 will ask you if you wish to quit
without saving. Clicking on OK will quit the program without saving,
clicking on cancel will terminate the quit function and return you
to the main register window where you may use the options presented
above to save your file before quitting.
Overview: About Ami-Check. Beg for shareware.
The About menu item will present a sub-menu of text that will tell
you a little more about AC2.0 and remind you of the shareware
requirements of the program. Please READ IT!
**** Edit:
Enter - Right-Amiga + E
Overview: Begin transaction entry mode, activates first field.
The Enter menu item performs the same function as the Enter button
located at the bottom of the main register window. This option
will take you to the next free transaction line and activate the
check number field, allowing you to enter a new transaction. If you
have already entered many entries, enough to fill the size of your
window at least once, it automatically scroll the register window
to the bottom of the register, thus allowing you to continue
entering transactions at the end of the register. The only way to
enter a transaction into the middle of the register is to use this
method to enter the transaction and the use the Sort option to sort
the register into the new desired order. (See Sort below).
Delete Selected - Right-Amiga + D
Overview: Deletes all selected (highlighted) entries.
After selecting entries by clicking once on them to highlight the
entry you may delete these highlighted entries by selecting the
Delete Selected menu option. This option functions the same as the
Delete button at the bottom of the AC2.0 register window. AC2.0
will count the number of selected (highlighted) entries and present
you with a requestor asking if you wish to delete x number of
entries. Clicking your left mouse button the Delete button inside
the requestor will delete all the highlighted entries, Cancel will
abort the operation and return you to the AC2.0 register window.
UnSelect All - Right-Amiga + U
Overview: Un-selects all selected (highlighted) entries.
The UnSelect All menu item will do just what its name implies, the
option will go through the entire AC2.0 register currently active,
finding all currently selected transactions and change those selected
entries to the un-selected state. This saves time if you have
multiple transactions selected for a Print and then wish to change
to a different selected set.
Overview: Register sort options.
A lot of thought and discussion went into the sort feature of
AC2.0 and what was finally decided on was to use a Shell-Sort.
Admittedly a shell sort is not the absolute fastest sort available
but it is what is known as a 'stable sort'. What this means is
the items sorted will retain their relative position within the
array being sorted as long as they are not moved. This was of
high importance in this application and the shell sort is the
fastest of the stable sorts. I am very satisfied with the speed
obtained and even in a 1000 transaction register the difference
in speed between the shell sort and a non-recursive quick sort
was minimal and not really noticeable.
The Sort menu item has two sub menu items, they are:
Natural - Right-Amiga + S
Overview: Sorts register in 'natural' form.
The Natural Sort sub-menu item will sort your AC2.0 register
in a checkbook 'natural' manner. What this means is that it
sorts the register first by date and then by check number,
putting Deposits ahead of Checks in the register for the same
date. Where possible AC2.0 will attempt to put checks in
check number order but if you enter check number 1 on the
5th and check number 2 as being written on the 1st, check
number 2 will precede check number 1 in the register after
this sort is completed. The reason for this is I felt it
more important to maintain the date the check was written
as the primary key field (it'll get back to the bank sooner)
rather than the Check Number. This function is the primary
sorting option of AC2.0 and is the same as clicking your
left mouse button on the Sort button located at the bottom of
the main register window. If you wish a strict numeric
sort of your register use the second Numeric Sort option
detailed below.
Overview: Sorts register in numeric form.
The Numeric Sort sub-menu item over-rides the Natural sort
method listed above and sorts the AC2.0 transaction register
in a strictly numeric way, putting all Deposits or transactions
without check numbers at the top and then listing your checks
in numeric check number order. This can be useful when
reconciling your checkbook with the bank statement as many
banks will list checks separately from Deposits and in a
numeric order. It is interesting to see your register in this
order at times and I suggest you give it a try. To return to
a more normal 'checkbook' sort, simple select the Natural Sort
sub-menu item or click your left mouse button on the Sort
button located at the bottom of the AC2.0 register window.
**** Special
Calculator - Right-Amiga + C
Overview: Brings up calculator.
The Calculator menu option will bring up the AC2.0 calculator with
memory. Detail and operation of the calculator will be given below.
(See section titled **** Using the Calculator)
The Reconcile menu item has three sub-items attached to it, these
Reconcile Mode - Right-Amiga + R Toggle Checked
Overview: Turns on reconcile mode for check transaction
The Reconcile Mode sub-menu item turns on AC2.0's check
clearing feature. When this item is on a check mark will
appear next to it in the menu and the status line will
inform you that it is the active mode. What this mode
does is, when you single click your left mouse button on an
already entered transaction instead of selecting (highlighting)
the transaction line, the transaction text will turn blue
(assuming standard WB 2.0 colors). This is AC2.0's way of
noting that the transaction has cleared the bank, thus you
would only want to use this option when your statement arrives
from your bank. To turn Reconcile Mode off, simply select it
again from the menu. NOTE: Transactions that have been cleared
(are blue) will not be editable. If you wish to edit a cleared
transaction you must go into Reconcile Mode and then click
your left mouse button once on the cleared transaction item.
This will un-clear the transaction and allow you to edit or
delete the item. Don't forget to turn Reconcile Mode off again
when you do this. As a matter of course I do not recommend
editing a cleared transaction but I do recognize that a time
could arise when you might want to, so this option is provided.
Show Clearing Balance Toggle Checked
Overview: Shows cleared balance each time transaction is
reconciled (cleared).
The Show Clearing Balance sub-menu item works in conjunction
with the Reconcile Mode sub-menu item detailed above. When
you select this item from the menu a check mark will appear
next to the items name in the menu. To turn this feature off
simply select it again from the menu. What Show Clearing
Balance does is this, every time you click on a transaction to
clear that transaction (it turns blue), AC2.0 will
re-calculate the registers cleared balance and display that
balance in the status line at the bottom of the register.
The final cleared balance, after you have cleared all deposits
transactions, service fees etc listed on your bank statement
should equal the balance shown on your bank statement. This is
the 'quickie' way to reconcile your checkbook with AC2.0.
Fabbian DuFoe gets the credit for this idea, thanks Fabbian!
Overview: Brings up reconcile window.
The Reconcile sub-menu window will open the main Reconcile
window. The operation and functions of this window will be
detailed below. You should NOT use this option until you
have cleared your entered transactions based on your bank
statement. This is not to say all your transactions will be
cleared, undoubtedly they will not, but if you do not clear
your entered transactions first, the figures used in this
window will be incorrect. (See ****Reconcile Window below)
**** Report
Print - Right-Amiga + P
Overview: Brings up print window for printing to printer or disk.
The Print menu item brings up the Print window, which allows you
to print all or partial transactions to either your printer or
to a disk file. As this is a separate window, the operation and
detail of the Print window are covered below. (See **** Print Window)
Flow Tracker - Right-Amiga + K
Overview: Brings up Flow Tracker window for register analysis.
The Flow Tracker window is one of the unique features of AC2.0 that
I am quite pleased with. What this window does is display a summary
of your check register, sorted and collected into groups based on the
number of letters shown in the Compare Chars entry field. The default
for this field is 7 characters. The reason for this default of seven
characters is because this is the same number of characters in the
word deposit. Thus you can have multiple deposit entries that are
different such as:
Deposit my paycheck
deposit Income Tax
etc etc
But when flow tracker groups its entries, it will only use the
first seven characters (by default) and thus group these entries
together, giving you an accurate total of your deposits.
(See **** Flow Tracker Window below)
Display Cleared Balance.
Overview: Calculates and displays transaction cleared balance.
The Display Cleared Balance menu item tells AC2.0 to go through the
current register and perform a balance on all transactions that have
been cleared (are blue). It will then display this cleared balance
in the status line of the main register window. This is useful as a
quick check option when looking at your bank statement.
**** Preferences
Auto # - Right-Amiga + A Toggle Checked
Overview: Turns on auto-check numbering for transaction entry.
The Auto # menu item turns on AC2.0's auto check numbering feature.
This auto numbering is based on the previous entry in the register.
Auto numbering will add 1 (one) to the previous check number and
immediately display that number in the check number field of the
transaction register. Thus if you want this number all you have to
do is press return on the check number field, the number will auto
matically become part of the transaction. To turn this mode off,
simply select the option from the menu again.
Date Today- Right-Amiga + T Toggle Checked
Overview: Places the current date into date field during transaction
The Date Today menu option toggles on and off the current system
date in the transaction register. The normal default for the date
field is to take it's date from the previous transaction entry.
This allows entering checks that were written several days
previously. If you want to guarantee that the date entered into the
transactions date field is the current system date, turn this option
on. Then all you have to do is hit return in the date field and the
current date will be entered for that transaction. To turn this
option off simply select it again from the menu.
The Font menu item has two sub-menu items attached to it. These are:
Overview: Selects system default font.
The System font sub-menu item will immediately read the system
default font as set up in Preferences and apply it to AC2.0.
This is a non-proportional font as discussed above and is a
very quick way to set AC2.0 back to a 'default' font if you
have chosen a different custom font using the sub-menu item
listed below. (See AC2.0 Font Discussion above)
Custom - Right-Amiga + F
Overview: Allows selection of custom font.
The Custom font sub-menu item will bring up the new 2.0 ASL
Font Requestor. This is the option that allows you to customize
your AC2.0 register to the font of your choice. The ASL Font
Requestor's function and operation is discussed below. Upon
return from this function AC2.0 will attempt to re-display
itself using the newly selected font. (See AC2.0 Font
Discussion above) (See also ASL Font Requestor Overview Below)
**** Using the Calculator
AC2.0 comes complete with its own mini-calculator that performs the four
basic math operations as well as a single register memory. Before going
into the details let me just say that the calculator is one of those
areas I am looking at for improvement in AC2.0. It is ok, it works well,
is accurate, font adjustable etc etc but I like my calculators with lots
of functions (for a check book program financial functions), and multiple
memories. Depending on response to AC2.0 I may or may not release an
upgrade that expands the calculator. Another thought is to make the
calculator a process unto itself, that way it could hang around on the
screen all the time. I am working on these expansion ideas now, but again,
it all depends on response. On to the description.
AC2.0's calculator is basically a 13 (thirteen) position basic calculator,
working the same way almost all other calculators work. Clicking your
left mouse button on a number will put that number into the display at the
top of the calculator. Clicking your mouse button on one of the function
buttons, described below, will cause the calculator to perform that
operation on the number in the display.
Calculator function buttons:
% is the Percent button, converting the number in the calculator
display to a percentage value. You can then use this value
in another calculation. Example: Enter the number 50 into the
display of the calculator. Then click on the % button. The
number should have changed to .50 (point five zero). Now click
on the '*' (asterisk - multiplication) button and then enter
the number 30. Finally click on the '=' (equals) button and the
result should be 15, or 50% of 30.
<- Is used to delete a single digit of a number that you are
currently entering into the calculator. This function works
in natural order, from smallest decimal place to largest and
can be clicked repeatedly to remove multiple digits.
+/- This button toggles your current displayed number negative
to positive or positive to negative.
CA Clears all numbers from the current calculation, in effect
zeroing all registers. It does NOT effect the calculator
CE Clears only the current entry in the display, does not effect
the number you may have already entered to perform a
calculation on.
/ This is the divide button.
* This is the multiply button.
- This is the subtraction button.
+ This is the addition button.
STO This is the STOre button, storing the current display into the
calculator's memory. Any number that was previously in this
register is replaced by the current display. Use this button
as well to store a number for later retrieval into the AC2.0
register. (See Note: Another benefit of 2.0, above).
** Note - to clear the calculator's memory, store a zero.
RCL This is the ReCaLl (recall) from stored memory button. It will
recall the stored in memory number and make it the active
number in the display, suitable for use in a calculation.
SUM This is the SUM button. This function will take the currently
displayed number and add it to the value that is stored in
the calculator's memory, storing the result in the memory. To
see the value of a multiple SUM'd number use the RCL function.
EXC This is the EXChange button. This function will exchange the
value in memory with that in the active display. Both values
are preserved in this operation.
. This is the decimal point button.
= This is the equals button. In a single operation calculation,
this function will cause the calculation to take place.
**** Reconcile Window
The reconcile window is selected from the 'Special' menu, 'Reconcile...'
sub menu option. This window is an exact duplicate of the reconcile
method printed on the back of my bank statement that comes every month.
The first thing you should do is use the Reconcile Mode option described
above and clear all checks on your statement.
Shown in the window are:
On the left side:
Checking Balance From Statement and a numeric entry field to its right.
This is where your cleared (or ending) balance is entered from your
bank statement. AC2.0 will automatically calculate this field for you
and fill in this field. *** WARNING ***> This field will only be
correct if you have used the 'Reconcile Mode' option described above
ADD + Deposits Not Reconciled - This field will also be calculated by
AC2.0 and again will only be valid if you have first cleared all
checks that have been returned to you by the bank.
SUBTRACT - Checks Not Reconciled - This field will also be calculated
by AC2.0 and again will only be valid if you have first cleared all
checks that have been returned to you by the bank.
On the right side:
Ami-Check 2.0 Balance - This is the current balance of your checkbook.
AC2.0 calculates this field for you and enters the value into this
field. This is a non-editable field.
ADD + Interest - This field is for adding in interest accrued (say
from a money market account) and adjusting your balance for any
accrued interest. I don't recommend you use this or the next fields
but rather enter these in as either debits or credits in your check
register. This will insure these amounts are permanently entered
into your register.
Auto Deposits - for entering automatic deposits during reconcile.
I don't recommend you use this or the next fields but rather enter
these in as either debits or credits in your check register. This will
insure these amounts are permanently entered into your register.
SUBTRACT - Auto Charges - Misc Charges - Service Charge - for entering
automatic charges to your account during reconcile. I don't recommend
you use this field, rather enter this in as either a debit or credit
in your check register. This will insure these amounts are permanently
entered into your register.
At the bottom of the window are two buttons, Reconcile and Calculator.
Reconcile will cause AC2.0's reconcile window to calculate your
reconcile balance. These values will be displayed in the two read-only
fields shown in the middle of the window. If there is an error in the
reconcile calculation a suggestion message will be displayed. If the
AC2.0 register is in balance a message will appear informing you of
this. On the right side of the window is a Calculator button that will
bring up the AC2.0 calculator as described above.
**** Print Window
The AC2.0 Print Window allows you to print various combinations or all
of your register to either your printer or to a disk file. When the
window opens you will see four read only boxes across the top of the
window titled:
Preferences Printer Left Margin Right Margin Page Length
The values presented in the read only boxes below these headers are
strictly informational, displaying the printing preferences you have
set up in the WB 2.0 preferences printer program. Below these boxes
to the left is another read only box titled Destination. This box
lists the current output destination for the print command. The
current default is to the PRT: device. You may change the print
destination by clicking your left mouse button with the pointer over
one of the two mutually exclusive buttons directly below the Destination
box. These are:
Printer - The default. Outputs to the PRT: device
allowing the use of your printer
Disk - When you click on this button you will
be presented with the File Requestor
to select a path and a file name for
your register output. Select a path
and a file name and then click on the
button labeled out. Your destination
box should now list this path and file
name. (See also **** The ASL File
Requestor below).
To the right of the Destination box are two more groups of mutually
exclusive buttons labeled, Output Option and Form Feed. These two
groups are detailed below.
OutPut Option
All - Prints all entries in your register.
Cleared - Prints only those entries from your register that
have been reconciled (cleared).
Outstanding - Prints only those entries from your register that
have not been reconciled (cleared).
Selected - Prints only those entries from your register that
are currently in the Selected (Highlighted) state.
Form Feed
On - Turns on Form Feeds at the end of every page and
at the end of the print function. This option has
no effect if you are printing to a disk file as
disk files do not require a form feed.
Off - Turns off Form Feeds.
Finally at the far right is the Print button. Clicking your left mouse
button on this button will cause the print to take place.
**** The Flow Tracker Window
The Flow Tracker window function is described above. The window opens
with a read only window, a slider gadget hooked to the window, a
numeric entry field titled Compare Chars, and three mutually exclusive
buttons titled Sort By, Count, Description, and Totals. Each of these
is described below.
The read only window -
# Description Totals
| | |
The number of entries that Flow Tracker has grouped together.
| |
The descriptions of the grouped AC2.0 register entries
shown with the number of chars specified in the Compare
Chars field to the right.
The total dollar amount of all entries in
each group listed in the window.
The Slider gadget is attached to the entries in the read only window
and if there are to many to display in the window, the slider gadget
will display allow you to scroll through the listed entries.
The Compare Chars entry field allows you to change the number of
characters AC2.0 will use to calculate its grouped entries. Simply
click your left button with the pointer in the field and then enter
a number between one and twenty seven (27 is the max number of
characters available in the description field of the AC2.0 register).
Press return to enter the number and AC2.0's Flow Tracker will
recalculate the grouped entries and totals.
The Sort By buttons are mutually exclusive, meaning only one of them
can be selected at a time. By clicking your left mouse button on one
of the buttons will resort the groups based on:
Count - Resorts the Flow Tracker by the number of entries
in each group.
Description - Resorts the Flow Tracker by descriptions
Totals - Resorts the Flow Tracker by total amount of each
group, displaying the totals from highest to lowest. I find
this sort one of my most often used.
**** The 2.0 ASL File Requestor: (Overview)
The new WB 2.0 includes a standardized library file requestor. This file
requestor resides in your WB 2.0 Libs directory, in the file ASL.Library.
This library MUST be present for AC2.0 to function. If you installed WB
2.0 in the normal manner, this should not be a problem. Commodore is to
be applauded for listening to the Amiga developer community concerning
this. A standardized file requestor is something we have been lacking
since the Amiga's inception. I realize there are some pretty slick PD
file requestors out there now but they are NOT the standard. The ASL
requestor is the standard and hence its use in AC2.0, plus it is a pretty
slick file requestor in its own right.
Any time you Save-As, or Load a file (as well as trying to save a file
without having a file name set up) you will be presented with the
ASL File Requestor. I have given it the default of looking in your S:
directory at start up, though if you change this, AC2.0 will remember
your directory of choice throughout your current session. The options
available inside the file requestor are pretty straight forward. Use
the slider and arrows to move scroll the files inside your active
directory. Clicking once on a file name will hi-lite the file, double-
clicking on a file name will hi-lite the file and select it, returning
you to AC2.0 and loading or saving your register. Note - AC2.0 knows its
own files and will not allow you to load in a Non-AC2.0 file.
More Notes - In the Save operation the files will be listed in a reverse
color order, in other words the background will be black and the file
names white (gray actually, again assuming standard wb 2.0 colors). Also,
the requestor is sizeable and can be controlled with your arrow keys
(give it a try :). One other thing, for the life of me I could not figure
out how to tell the ASL requestor to use a different font, I don't think
this feature is implemented in the library. If anyone knows differently,
drop me a line, I'd love to know how.
The buttons at the bottom of the requestor are Load (or Save depending)
which actually causes the action to occur. Once you have selected or
typed in your register name clicking on this button will cause the load
or save to take place. Disks - allows you to select a different disk
or dos device for your load or save. Parent - takes you out one layer
of directories, to the parent directory of the directory you are currently
in. Cancel - cancels the file operation.
The 2.0 ASL Font Requestor: (Overview)
The new WB 2.0 includes a standardized library font requestor. This font
requestor resides in your WB 2.0 Libs directory, in the file ASL.Library.
This library MUST be present for AC2.0 to function. If you installed WB
2.0 in the normal manner, this should not be a problem. Again this
requestor is an attempt at standardization, though there is much less
competition in the font requestor arena, hence the ASL inclusion in
AC2.0. When you select the Custom sub-item of the Font Item of the
Preferences menu item inside AC2.0 (say that one 10 times fast :) either
with the mouse or the R-Amiga+F key you will be presented with the
ASL font requestor. Shown will be two separate display windows, two
string entry areas, one box that shows what the font looks like and
two buttons at the bottom labeled Change and Cancel.
As explained above (see AC2.0 Font Discussion) AC2.0 limits you to
fonts that are eight pixels wide or less, non-proportional spacing.
The fonts in your currently assigned FONTS: directory path that fit the
non-proportional part of the requirement will be shown. Unfortunately
there doesn't seem to be a way to have the requestor display only eight
wide fonts so if you select one wider than eight pixels wide AC2.0 will
let you know after you click the Change button. Choosing a font is as
simple as clicking your left mouse button with the pointer over a font
name, selecting a size for the font in the next window (SEE NOTE BELOW)
and then clicking on the change button at the bottom of the requestor.
AC2.0 will automatically re-configure itself with the new font you have
** NOTE - You must select a size for the font when you select the font or
the display of your checkbook will be distorted. This is because the
ASL font requestor does not change the value of the height variable
inside its structure unless you tell it to do so. This I believe is
because the Amiga allows us to have multiple sizes of the same font.
Anyway's, just select a size when you select a font and you won't have
any problems.
I realize I have not gone into great detail concerning the ASL File
or font requestors, for more information consult your system manuals
or dos 2.0 upgrade manual.
**** The Obligatory Disclaimers Etc.
Jeff Hoag makes NO WARRANTIES as to suitability of this software.
Use this software AT YOUR OWN RISK. Jeff Hoag makes no warranties
or fiscal guarantees for decisions made by the user based on financial
results obtained using this software. All speculations and comments made
by the author are purely speculation. No guarantees are made concerning
any possible future products or upgrades to this product.
Workbench 2.0, and Amiga are Trademarks of Commodore Business Machines Ltd.
Enjoy AC2.0.
Thanks to Timm Martin, the writing of this software and many of the
algorithms contained in it are a product of his software expertise.
Without Timms assistance, AC2.0 might never have been. Thanks Timm!
Thanks for using Ami-Check 2.0. Please don't forget that it
is Shareware and that I am depending on you to help support it.
I can be reached at the Shareware address provided above or in the
About menu sub-item inside the program. Please feel free to pass
AC2.0 along to other bbs's or friends, only PLEASE keep all the files
included in this LHarc together. Drop me a line, let me know what you
think. Thanks. Jeff Hoag. 4.6.91